Monday, April 5, 2010


The funny thing about Nice is that nothing opens until 8/9 ... Even the hostels - I luckly and found a guest leaving one at 7 and got in and dropped off my bag. I then went to the mediteranian and chilled out for a while the beach - it was quite nice. I basically just walked around and found some food for awhile until it was 12 and got to my room.

I was able to relax for a bit and then some canadians checked in and I was just happ to speak to someone who was fluent in English for the first time in awhile. We basically walked around for a bit - we went back to the beach and just hung out for awhile

The interesting thing about Nice is that it's very beautiful and the weather is great - but there isn't alot to see. Just to enjoy the beach and the weather. Which to be honest I was quite ready for.

The rest of my stay I basically just walked around for a while and enjoyed my time there. Just relaxing that's about it though.

Then I was off to geneve where I'll be couchsurfing. For the second time this trip!! I think I may go skiing tomorrow!
I'm on the train there and you can see the beginning of the alps on one side and the medditeranian on the other (we go through marselles and lyon before going to geneve) it is so beautiful! :-D

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