Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 2 - 14.1.2010


So today - was pretty chill. it was the first night that we actually SLEPT in Dublin. Which you read about in the last post. Well I finally fell back asleep at 5am and then woke up around 10 for a total of 8 hours of sleep. This day we really just spent relaxing. We walked around a good bit of Dublin and Saw St. Patrick Cathedral and also went to Mass at this other cathedral / church as well as stoping by this other church which was really nice.

After that was done it was around 4 and we went back to our Hostel because we were hungry and wanted to have some of our PB&J that we bought the previous night. Then headed back around Dublin, We were able to hit the Stephens Green which is an amazing park in Dublin. It was so Beautiful (See Photo Below). (Oh and I know - its not the best photo-stitch I've done...but this computer takes a bit too stich them and I didn't want to redo it - It'd take like 15 minutes :(

Oh And here's a good story - While at this park Nathan Decided that the Ice that was over one of the ponds would be strong enough to hold his body weight and decided to attempt to put some of his weight on the ice (Which btw was melted away from the land) And then promptly went into about a foot and a half worth of water!! It was pretty funny, but apparently not very cold because when we went back to Hostel He totally change his sock...haha.

Nathan's Wet Sock

That night we went to Seomra Sprao and just relaxed for a bit. We found a guy that was there who was origionally from Las Vegas and then moved to Ireland for school. He was really cool and helped us out with some lingo as well as telling us with some places to go. We then had some tea were social with some other locals that were there, and went on our lovely way. :D

We came back that night around 11 and met some fellow americans Nikki and Ian. Then suprisingly enough we ended up talking until 2am! haha. There were pleanty of times during that night that we were like - "Oh we're tired - we want to go to bed..." But we just kept on finding new things to talk about.

That was a great way to end the day

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